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259 E Erie St, Floor 20 Suite 2060, Chicago, IL 60611

Breast Reduction Benefits

breast reduction benefits

Most patients who seek plastic surgery do so for cosmetic reasons. breast reduction benefits can be wonderful and patients are often primarily motivated to improve their quality of life. If you have contemplated breast reduction surgery, you probably already have considered the various ways having smaller breasts would make your life easier. Here, elite plastic surgeon Dr. Robert Galiano explains some of the non-aesthetic upgrades his patients experience following breast reduction.

1. Reducing Chronic Pain

Many women with large breasts feel chronic pain in their back, neck and/or shoulders. By reducing the weight you carry on your chest, you may find that this pain goes away and that you no longer need regular massages and ibuprofen to get through the day.

2. Improved Physical Activity

After having breast reduction, you may notice that you feel more motivated to exercise than you have in years. This often occurs because forms of working out that were made difficult due to having large breasts (even with a sports bra) suddenly become practical. It makes sense that you start jogging more when you know this activity won’t create additional discomfort.

3. Easier Sleep

With bigger breasts, you undoubtedly have found that you cannot sleep in too many positions comfortably. Sleeping on your stomach can be painful, and even side sleeping may put undue pressure on your breasts. After having breast reduction surgery, you can more freely roll over in the night and sleep in whatever position you would like.

4. Escaping Unwanted Attention

Avoiding the male gaze is hard enough for any woman, but doubly true for women with large breasts. Even when you put on loose clothing to hide your body, large breasts still attract attention. By reducing the size of your breasts, it becomes easier to go run errands without receiving unprovoked stares and comments.

5. Better Posture

Large breasts can weigh you down so much that you may not even be aware of the extent to which you slouch. With reduced breast volume, you should find yourself sitting straighter and standing up straighter.

Learn More about Breast Reduction Benefits from Dr. Galiano

Dr. Galiano is an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon in Chicago who helps women to achieve their desired proportions with plastic surgery. With skillful precision, he can ensure that your breasts look beautiful and natural, while also elevating them to a more youthful position. If the non-cosmetic benefits of this procedure sound appealing to you, come speak to Dr. Galiano to learn more. For a consultation, please call 312-926-4382 today.

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