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How Mommy Makeover Can Improve Your Post-Pregnancy Body

Mommy makeover Chicago

Becoming a mother is an exciting journey, but there is no denying that it can also take a toll on your body. Losing weight after a pregnancy is certainly helpful, but it is unlikely to fully restore your pre-pregnancy contours, specifically around your breasts and stomach.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Robert Galiano is a leading plastic surgeon who has helped many new mothers transform their bodies with customized mommy makeover plans. Below, he details the most dramatic improvements mommy makeover can achieve.

Recontouring Your Stomach

As your baby grows in utero, so does your belly. Your abdominal skin must stretch to fit over your larger body, and your abdominal muscles get pushed out of alignment.

While your stomach may return to its normal size after your pregnancy (with some help from a healthy lifestyle), the stretched skin may no longer be sufficiently elastic to retract to its former size. This leaves a “pooch” of loose skin that makes your midsection appear thicker. Moreover, your abdominal wall cannot correct itself.

Most mommy makeover plans include tummy tuck (abdominoplasty). This surgery is ideal for minimizing excess skin around your midsection. After removing some loose skin, Dr. Galiano pulls the remaining skin taut for a flatter contour. He also can reconnect the separated abdominal muscles to restore a toned, firm abdominal wall.

Improving Your Breasts

Your mammary tissue grows throughout your pregnancy in anticipation of breastfeeding. Only after you have finished nursing should you notice your breasts decrease in size. In theory, your breasts should match the volume of your breasts prior to your pregnancy, but they may be somewhat larger or smaller. Most likely, your breasts will be “shallower” at the tops with most of the volume at the bottom, making the appear droopier than they did before.

Mommy makeover typically includes one or more forms of cosmetic breast surgery. Breast lift allows Dr. Galiano to remove loose skin to elevate and rejuvenate your breasts. He can also give your breasts a rounder and less pendulous shape with this surgery. Breast augmentation allows women who are displeased with the fullness and shape of their post-pregnancy breasts to improve their contours.

Schedule a Consultation with a Leading Plastic Surgeon in Chicago

If you find yourself missing your former body after having children and are interested in learning more about how mommy makeover can improve your contours, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Galiano by calling 312-926-4382.

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