When board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Robert Galiano meets with patients for a facelift consultation, he is often asked, “Is it too soon for me to have this procedure?” While these patients want to know the age they should have surgery, that number can fluctuate significantly from one patient to the next. To help you understand when it makes sense for you to have facelift, Dr. Galiano shares his thoughts in this blog.
When Do People Usually Have Facelift?
Most of Dr. Galiano’s facelift patients are middle-aged: over 40 and under 60. During this point in life, your body slows its production of collagen, which causes your skin to lose elasticity. Loose skin becomes most noticeable along the jawline, creating jowls at the bottom of the face. It also allows fine lines and wrinkles to settle into the skin. Fortunately, all these problems can be improved with facelift.
That said, Dr. Galiano also treats patients outside of this age range. Patients who smoke, spend a lot of time in the sun, or have genes that make their skin look prematurely old can often benefit from having facelift in their 30s. The goal in these instances is rarely to make a 30-year-old look 20 again; usually, it’s to make them look more like their same-aged peers.
Mini Facelift Is Another Option
Some younger patients do not have significant enough signs of aging to warrant facelift, but that does not mean they cannot seek a cosmetic solution for the imperfections they would like to address. Dr. Galiano can perform mini facelift, a modified version of facelift that is less invasive than a traditional lift and boasts a shorter recovery period. For this procedure, Dr. Galiano slightly manipulates the tissue and muscles near the jawline to achieve a lifting effect.
Consider How Your Skin Looks Rather Than Your Age
When you look in the mirror, do you have visible signs of aging and sun damage that could be improved with surgery? Ultimately, that matters more than your age. And that’s precisely what Dr. Galiano looks at during a consultation for facelift. If he agrees that you could see benefits from facelift (or mini lift), the two of you can discuss a surgical plan that best achieves your cosmetic goals.
Dr. Galiano is one of Chicago’s leading plastic surgeons, with before and after photos that demonstrate his high level of skill. He customizes each facelift he performs and primarily uses the SMAS technique to produce natural-looking results. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Galiano, please call 312-926-4382.