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What Patients Should Know Before Having Tummy Tuck

Tummy Tuck Chicago

Abdominoplasty, better known as tummy tuck, is one of the top body contouring procedures offered by plastic surgeons, including Chicago’s own elite surgeon, Dr. Robert Galiano. Before performing tummy tuck, Dr. Galiano holds a consultation with the patient to review the procedure and recovery details. This allows the patient to make an informed decision as to whether to have tummy tuck. Below, he shares some of the most important facts about tummy tuck for prospective patients contemplating this surgery.

Your Primary Concern Should Be Loose Skin

When some people hear “tummy tuck,” they erroneously think it’s a type of weight-loss surgery. In reality, tummy tuck is limited in the amount of fat it can remove, instead focusing on eliminating excess skin around the abdomen that has stretched. Patients who have developed a “muffin top” of sagging skin after losing weight or being pregnant enjoy tummy tuck for tightening the skin to fit over their current contours. Patients who have substantial fat deposits around their midsection need liposuction (which is often combined with tummy tuck) to achieve a smaller frame.

The Scarring Is Significant

To perform tummy tuck, a surgeon must make a horizontal incision near the bikini line. Although Dr. Galiano is deliberate with his incisional technique to produce scars that fade over time, no tummy tuck patient sees these scars go away completely. The good news is that the placement of the incision allows the scarring to be concealed by most kinds of underwear and bathing suit bottoms. In other words, the only time patients’ tummy tuck scars are visible is when they are totally nude.

Results Are Indefinite

Tummy tuck is a smart investment for patients who are willing to put in the work since the results are long-lasting. Patients who do not allow their weight to fluctuate significantly can enjoy their trimmer figure without sagging skin for their entire lives. However, women should be aware that it’s not just weight gain that could re-stretch their belly skin — so does pregnancy. Therefore, women may want to wait on tummy tuck until their family is complete.

Downtime Is Involved

Tummy tuck is an invasive procedure, so it is unrealistic for patients to believe they can resume a normal schedule shortly after surgery. Most patients need approximately two weeks of rest and limited activity before they can go back to work, assuming it is not a physically demanding job. While patients are encouraged to walk during their recovery to improve blood circulation, strenuous exercise should be postponed for nearly two months. Although most patients believe this downtime is worth the cosmetic transformation, patients should be aware of the restrictions when deciding.

For More Details, Schedule a Consultation

If you have lost weight, but stretched skin is getting in the way of showcasing your new contours, tummy tuck may be the solution for you. Dr. Galiano is happy to answer all your tummy tuck-related questions during a personalized consultation, so please call 312-926-4382.

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