As we age, skin loses its flexibility and starts to sag. Pregnancy and considerable weight loss also leave behind excess, saggy skin. The best way to address these effects depends on the skin’s location but often involves some form of surgery. Chicago plastic surgeon Dr. Robert Galiano discusses common cosmetic procedures to excise loose, saggy skin.
Body Lift
You worked hard to lose weight. Now that the pounds are off, excess skin remains to remind you of your former size. A body lift gets rid of excess skin and improves your appearance. During this procedure the surgeon creates an incision along the abdomen and then removes unwanted skin. Extra skin elsewhere on the body is removed and tightened. Liposuction may accompany a body lift to assist in contouring.
Body lift results last a long time if the patient’s weight remains stable.
Tummy Tuck
Tummy Tuck is the primary component of a mommy makeover. However, pregnancy isn’t a prerequisite for the procedure. With tummy tuck, formally known as an abdominoplasty, loose skin around the abdomen is removed and the abdominal muscles are tightened.
Women considering tummy tuck should wait until they have completed their families. An abdominoplasty doesn’t mean a woman can’t become pregnant again, but carrying a baby will undo most of the results.
Thigh Lift
Want to eradicate excess thigh skin causing a saggy, flabby appearance? A thigh lift tightens skin in the affected area, whether the inner, medial or outer thighs.
Breast Lift
Nothing restores the youthful look of breasts like a breast lift. Instead of sagging, breasts are back to the way they appeared before aging and motherhood took their toll. Excess skin is removed and tissue lifted. The size of the breasts is not affected unless the patient opts to undergo breast augmentation at the same time.
Neck Lift
Are wrinkles and jowls getting you down? A neck lift has two stages. During the first, excess skin is removed and during the second, the neck muscles are tightened. A neck lift is often performed in conjunction with a facelift.
A facelift lifts the facial skin and underlying muscles, removes excess fat to correct jowls and smooths deep nose and mouth creases, tightens to provide less wrinkled skin and rejuvenate the appearance. A facelift can turn the clock back a decade or more.
Discuss Loose Skin Reduction with Dr. Galiano
If you want to rid yourself of loose skin, no matter which area of your body is affected, please request a consultation with Dr. Galiano today. Call our office or send us an email to book your appointment.